10-Hours SST Worker
Course Length
10 Hours
1.0 CEUs
Course Language
English. Spanish
Course Sessions
1-2 Sessions
Course Description:
This bundle offers two SST courses, 8 hours of Fall Prevention (SST307) + 2 hours of Drugs and Alcohol (SST302); including these 10 hours of required training in a combination of 30 hours OSHA applies to the Site Safety Training Card (SST 40) which is valid for 5 years.
This registration package includes both courses to be taken in one day. The course fee includes the cost of issuing the Site Safety Training Card as applicable.
CEU Requirements
100% attendance for the cours
Completion of Continuing Education and Training Registration Form
Active participation in all class exercises (determined by course instructor)
Completion of required pre-and post-quiz assessment
As applicable, achievement of minimum passing score on required end-of-course examination
Participation and submittal of end-of-course evaluation form (must provide name on form to receive credit)
This course bundle is part of a required curriculum for any Worker or Supervisor employed in NYC within the Five Boroughs on projects requiring a Construction Super, Site Safety Manager, Site Safety Coordinator, Concrete Safety Manager, or Competent Person.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Learning outcomes can be reviewed in the individual course pages; links are available below.
Prescribed Courses in this bundle (DOB Course Code in Parentheses):
2-Hour Drug & Alcohol Awareness Training (SST-302)
8-Hour Fall Prevention Training (SST-307)
Methods of Instruction:
A combination of lectures, PowerPoint presentations, open discussions, and testing will be used throughout the course.
This course bundle is appropriate for individuals who meet the qualifications of a Worker or Supervisor under Local Law 196. For more information on Local Law 196, click here.
Students need to be able to verbally communicate with an instructor in the primary language of the training.
Successful Completion:
In order to receive a certificate/card for the course, students must:
Be able to clearly communicate with the instructor and complete all paperwork in the language the course is delivered. No personal interpreters permitted.
Complete all required paperwork: registration, evaluation, attendance, etc.
Attend all required hours of the course. Any make up sessions must be completed within six months from the course start date.
Participate during class activities and reviews.
Complete tests with a passing grade of 70%.
Training Requirements
Local Law 196 of 2017 requires certain Workers and Supervisors to receive safety training at construction sites that are required to designate a Construction Superintendent, Site Safety Coordinator, or Site Safety Manager. By September 1, 2020, workers will need a total of 40 hours of training to qualify for a Site Safety Training (SST) card.
Attendance Policy:
Students are required to complete 100% of the course and actively participate in all learning activities. Make-up time is not permitted for this training course.
10-40 45th Avenue - Third Floor
Long Island City, New York - 1101

School of Construction Safety is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and is authorized to issue the IACET CEU.
Email: info@nycosha.com | Online: https://www.nycosha.com/register
Call us: 718-440 -9896 | Fax: 718-639-3714