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16-Hour Suspended Scaffold User

32 Hour Supported Scaffold Installer/Remover

Course Length

32 hours



Course Description:

Instructors will demonstrate safe methods of installation, removal and modification of different types of supported scaffolds using OSHA regulations, DOB standards and good work practice as a guide. Some topics covered during the course will include major scaffold components, importance of proper pre-planning, worker training, and how to read scaffold design drawings. Throughout the course, students will also participate in hands on exercises in which they will build and dismantle supported scaffolds, apply various knots on the rope and demonstrate ability to apply basic rigging techniques.

The instructor will assess students to determine if each student is capable of applying rope knots used to rig scaffold equipment, properly install/maintain fall protection systems, safely build supported scaffold systems and walking/working scaffold platforms and immediately prior to the end of the course, students will independently participate in a multiple choice final exam.


Experienced workers who will erect, dismantle modify or repair supported scaffolds over 40 feet, safety managers, construction superintendents and individuals who just want to learn more about supported scaffold safety.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this course, the students shall be able to:

  1. Identify hazardous situations and conditions.

  2. Have a respect for safety, and understand the WHY, regarding safety rules.

  3. Basic understanding of NYC Codes, OSHA Regulations, and NY State Codes related to supported scaffolds, and the agencies that manage these.

  4. Basic inspections, maintenance, and record keeping.

  5. Hands on procedures for erecting and dismantling supported scaffolds

  6. Planning and estimating materials needed for scaffold erection.

  7. Reading and understanding design drawings

  8. How to use, adjust, an inspect safety equipment including your harness and safety line.

  9. Basic rigging principles such as knots and load calculations.

Methods of Instruction:

A combination of lectures, PowerPoint presentations, open discussions, and testing will be used throughout the course.


There are no prerequisites needed to attend this course. Students must be able to verbally communicate with instructor in primary language of the training.

Successful Completion:
In order to receive a certificate/card for the course, students must:

  • Be able to clearly communicate with the instructor and complete all paperwork in the language the course is delivered. No personal interpreters permitted. 

  • Complete all required paperwork: registration, evaluation, attendance, etc.

  • Attend all required hours of the course. Any make up sessions must be completed within six months from the course start date.

  • Participate during class activities and reviews.

  • Complete tests with a passing grade of 70%.

Attendance Policy: 

Students are required to complete 100% of the course and actively participate in all learning activities. Make-up time is not permitted for this training course.


10-40 45th Avenue - Third Floor

Long Island City, New York - 1101

PRICE: $420
LANGUAGE: Spanish, English, Polish
Group Rates

We offer discount for groups!

Call Us  718-440-9896

School of Construction Safety  is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and is authorized to issue the IACET CEU.

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Call us: 718-440 -9896        | Fax: 718-639-3714

         Or, you can come in to the office and fill out the application during office hours.
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